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Child custody in Connecticut: Being aware of potential problems

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2018 | Child Custody |

Children often take the breakups of their parents’ marriages the hardest. So, when it comes time for the separating couple in Connecticut to discuss child custody, being aware of the potential snags and how to overcome them may help their children through a very emotional time. Communicating and cooperating with each other is a step in the right direction.

One of the problems that might crop up in custody matters is known as custodial interference. If a couple has a parenting agreement in place and the stipulations within that agreement aren’t being followed by one parent — like visitation or support, for instance — then that parent isn’t fulfilling his or her obligation to the children. A parenting agreement is a legal, binding document and as such not following it can lead to recriminations. Custodial interference could include not returning a child from a visit when agreed upon, not allowing a child to talk to a parent or limiting conversations, or interfering with visitation.

Child custody issues can crop up as well if a parent wishes to relocate. Moving away from the area is fine if both parents have signed a relocation agreement and it’s approved in court. If a parenting plan spells out the particulars of relocation, it has to be taken into account. But if the parents are bickering over a potential move, the courts may have to step in and decide what is best for the welfare of the children. In this technological age, parents who live far from their kids are even visiting with them virtually, using such things as Skype.

There are all kinds of legalities concerning child custody in Connecticut. Getting legal advice may help to iron out problems before they arise. Being aware of state laws may help parents to always put their kids’ best interests first.

Source: findlaw.com, “Custody Problems“, Accessed on Feb. 16, 2018
