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Family law: What happens to kids when in high conflict situations

On Behalf of | Nov 26, 2019 | Connecticut Family Law Blog, Family Law |

When parents argue in front of their children, they may be creating harmful, long-term effects. Connecticut family law has the best interests of children at heart and children in the middle of a high-conflict divorce may be emotionally injured just as badly as if they were being physically hurt. Children’s brains react differently than adult brains and for them witnessing their parents horribly fighting can feel just like being at the center of the negativity.

The prefrontal cortexes of children’s brains are less developed than those of adults, and as such, being around parental conflict may actually seem to them like they’re in the line of fire. This is the reason many children interpret parental conflict as a direct affront on them. In many circumstances, it can actually lead children to develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

These types of situations may make it more difficult for children to cope with their own struggles during their parents’ divorces. Even when parents have to fake being civil to each other while still living under the same roof, it may be better for their kids. Arguing isn’t always the problem — it’s the intensity of the conflict that is and name-calling, shouting, threats, throwing things and angry outbursts aren’t healthy for anyone, especially not for children.

A Connecticut attorney experienced in family law may be able to help a client in a high-conflict relationship to speed up the divorce process so that children don’t have to be subject to hostility between their parents on a daily basis. It is always wise to move forward in the best interests of any children. A lawyer may be able to offer tools to help a client do what is best for his or her children.  
