It might be easy to assume child support refers to divorce cases, but there are several types when considering what a family needs. There are four types depending on a parent’s situation, some are more common to divorce and some may even change types when circumstances change.
As Verywell Family details, the designations explained below help signal the level of involvement required by state agencies.
IV designations
When referring to any of these types, the prefix “IV” refers to Title IV of the Social Security Act of 1975. Any cases classified under IV are full services cases where Connecticut helps manage and assist the custodial parent with payments. There are three types:
- IV-E cases recoup costs from the non-custodial parent(s) for the purpose of paying the support to another relative or the foster care system
- IV-A cases refer to situations where the custodial parent receives public assistance as well as support from the non-custodial parent
- IV-D cases receive support directly from Connecticut’s Office of Child Support Enforcement and the office helps locate the other parent and enforce child support orders
Non-IV-D cases
These child support cases work between parents you establish and maintain payments in private. This happens through legal agreements that stipulate various obligations and timelines following a divorce.
But these non-IV-D cases may become other types due to a lack of payment. According to CBS News, more than 30% of child support payments go unpaid. This may lead to further headaches when trying to secure a privately agreed-upon support payment.
In these cases, a non-IV-D support agreement may become an IV-D so that the Office of Child Support Enforcement takes on the case to pursue fair payments. While these four types of child support may make the situation seem more complex, the purpose of these designations is to help parents get what they need to support their children.