A judge’s signature on a divorce decree brings a legal end to the marriage. How you and your spouse get there may hinge entirely on how well you can come together and negotiate.
Divorce is a highly stressful process that may bring out negative emotions between spouses who once loved each other. If you and your spouse can agree to work together, you may walk through the process with less stress and tension than most. Learn more about ending a marriage in a collaborative environment to decide if it might work for you.
What happens during a collaborative divorce?
One option Connecticut allows is a collaborative divorce. Under this, you and your spouse work together to reach a mutually beneficial divorce settlement. You will do this inside a conference room at agreed-upon meetings with only yourselves and your designated representation. Within this collaborative environment, you will decide issues, such as:
- Spousal support
- Asset and debt division
- Child support
- Child custody and visitation
How is mediation different?
Mediation may work for couples who need extra assistance reaching an agreement. While mediation also happens in a meeting space with your representatives, it adds a neutral third-party present. The mediator acts as a negotiator to help arrive at an agreement. In a collaborative divorce, there is no mediator, only spouses and representatives.
What benefits does a collaborative approach allow?
A collaborative divorce affords you a few benefits, even over mediation. It is a less costly path than either of the others since you pay your representative and no one else. A collaborative divorce also typically takes a fraction of the time of any other method of getting to a decree. You are also much more likely to leave it feeling satisfied rather than angry.
If you and your spouse can find your way through, a collaborative divorce may benefit your future.