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Top 3 financial experts for your high-asset divorce team

On Behalf of | Jul 16, 2024 | Divorce |

The divorce process goes beyond ending a marriage. At its core, it is a financial transaction that unravels the intricate web of interests you and your spouse have built together throughout your marriage.

As you navigate this challenging process, it is essential to understand the potential pitfalls that can arise and have lasting consequences on your future. Real risks – such as missed assets, inaccurate valuations and unfair settlements – can affect your way forward without the proper guidance. To help safeguard your interests and guide you toward a fair and equitable resolution, here are three financial experts your divorce team might need.

Forensic accountant: Uncovering hidden wealth

In high-asset divorces, one spouse may attempt to conceal assets to gain an unfair advantage in property division. This is where your financial detective comes in. A forensic accountant specializes in uncovering hidden assets, tracing complex financial transactions and identifying potential misconduct.

Financial analyst: Evaluating long-term implications

A financial analyst adds a forward-thinking perspective to your divorce team. They can be a trusted guide, helping you make sense of your current situation and chart the best course for your future. By evaluating your current situation and projecting future financial scenarios, they empower you to make informed decisions during your divorce proceedings.

Appraiser: Valuing complex assets

Assets such as businesses or real estate holdings often represent a substantial portion of the marital estate. This makes accurate valuation crucial for a fair and equitable division of assets.

A skilled business appraiser can help you uncover your company’s actual value, considering unique factors such as goodwill, market conditions and growth potential. Similarly, a real estate appraiser ensures that high-value properties are accurately valued based on current market trends and comparable sales.

Protecting your path forward

Assembling a team of financial experts for your high-asset divorce empowers you to face this challenging time with confidence. These professionals work together to provide a comprehensive understanding of your financial landscape, leaving no stone unturned in the pursuit of a fair settlement.