With a solid parenting plan, a divorcing couple is on the right path to parent their children in a positive manner even amidst the most stressful circumstances. Family law in Connecticut strives to give parents the means by which they can be good parents to their kids even as separate individuals. A parenting plan is a legally binding document that spells out certain particulars of the lives of children of divorce such as where and with whom they’ll be living.
A parenting plan could also include such things as how much time the children will be spending with each parent, who gets the children on certain holidays and just how the co-parenting dynamic will play out. It can be tailored to suit each family’s individual dynamic. A plan could even spell out how to introduce a new partner to the children.
A plan could also stipulate how decisions will be made regarding the children’s welfare, how to address safety concerns, how vacations will be handled and if one parent can take the children out of state or even out of the country. These issues are best discussed or fashioned with the help of an attorney well-versed in family law. Such an attorney could provide assistance with a parenting plan ordered by the court or to help a client, through negotiations with the other parent, to create one that fits in with the family.
A Connecticut attorney will talk with his or her client to get a picture of the family’s life and will be able to help draft a plan that meets the goals and needs of the family. A comprehensive parenting plan can be achieved easily when working in partnership with a lawyer experienced in family law. A compassionate attorney is there to field all questions regarding the legalities of any parenting plan options.
Source: parentmap.com, “Do You Have a Solid Parenting Plan?” Kim Schnuelle, Oct. 27, 2017