Whether you own a business, a home or other substantial assets prior to marriage, you may find yourself considering a prenuptial agreement. Dealing with some Connecticut family law issues before you get married could provide you with peace of mind. In addition, even though contemplating divorce as you prepare for your wedding might not be romantic, it does help prevent problems in the future if the marriage does not last.
Without a prenuptial agreement, proving to the court that a certain asset is separate property could be problematic. Even if a portion of a separate asset could be considered part of the marital estate, identifying it as separate property in a prenuptial agreement can make that task much easier. In addition, if you go the extra step of valuing some assets such as a business or home at the time of the prenuptial agreement’s execution, an important part of determining any marital portion is already done.
A prenuptial agreement takes on a greater significance in the minds of business owners. They might not only have their spouse’s to consider, but partners as well. The company agreement that you signed may require you to ensure that your spouse does not gain any significant interest in the business. A prenuptial agreement would help ensure that you remain in compliance with that agreement. Your soon-to-be spouse could waive any right to the business in exchange for another asset or some other arrangement that a Connecticut court would consider fair and equitable.
Prenuptial agreements help many couples make these and other disclosures and decisions. Furthermore, it helps couples to discuss one of the most often cited reasons for divorce — money. In order to help ensure that your prenup meets all legal requirements and stands up to court scrutiny in the event of a divorce, it would be beneficial to seek the aid of a family law attorney.