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Reality star claims ex is lying amid child custody battle

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2019 | Child Custody |

Connecticut parents might be in a situation where they do not get along with one another. Reality star Kathryn Dennis, a staple on the show “Southern Charm,” is in the same boat. She claims that her ex-husband will stop at nothing to ruin her reputation amid their current child custody battle. 

Ms. Dennis admits that she once sought treatment for substance abuse issues, during which time her ex-husband was awarded custody of the former couple’s two children. Kathryn says she has worked for years to clean up her act and be a good mother to her son and daughter, and she is now fighting to regain custody. Unfortunately, she says her ex is doing everything he can to ruin her chances. 

Her ex-husband has provided the court with affidavits and testimony from various parties that claim Kathryn still struggles with addiction issues, and even sells prescription drugs to fans of the show. Kathryn says these allegations are baseless, and her ex is merely running a smear campaign against her. So far, her ex does not seem to have much evidence to back these claims, and many of the parties that provided the statements cannot be reached or declined to comment. 

Each child custody case has a unique set of circumstances. A Connecticut resident seeking to establish, modify or enforce a child custody order may want a helping hand. In many cases, an experienced attorney can help a client fight for the children he or she loves, and be a powerful ally during any court proceedings to determine child custody and related issues. An attorney can help ensure that a custody determination is based on fact, not rumors from an angry ex. 
