What To Do After A Divorce
After all the work it takes to resolve a divorce, moving on may be the only thing on your mind. While this is a nice sentiment, there are still actions that you need to protect yourself and your family. Thankfully, a skilled law firm can help you look after your needs after your divorce.
At The Prince Law Group, LLC, we are proud to help our clients throughout New York and Connecticut in any way we can. There is a whole list of things you can do that can help you after your divorce, and we want to be the ones who help you through your divorce and well after it.
How You Can Protect Your Future
We have several checklists of tasks that you can follow after your divorce that can help make life easier for you and your family, based on the amount of time since your divorce. A few tasks on these lists include:
- Immediately following your divorce
- Set up scheduled payments for support and alimony
- Finalize the division of your retirement accounts
- Gain a copy of your divorce decree
- Close joint accounts
- Secure relevant quitclaim deeds and tax returns
- Divide assets as agreed upon
- Update utility bills to reflect the responsible parties
- Within a month of your divorce
- Open a proper account to receive funds from your ex’s IRA
- Complete gap coverage forms through COBRA if necessary
- Update insurance policies of your beneficiary elections
- Report your name change (if applicable) to interested parties
- Apply for a new driver’s license
- Alert interested parties of any address changes
- Within a year of your divorce
- Establish a new estate plan
- Resolve any other obligations of your divorce
- Secure a credit report to ensure the accounts you closed have closed
- Remove your ex’s name from documents like a lease or mortgage in accordance with your divorce decree
- Beyond a year of your divorce
- Uphold your visitation agreement
- Keep records of your children’s medical history and costs
- Keep the personal information of your ex secure, in case you need it in the future
- If applicable, file a claim against your ex’s social security
No matter what your needs may be after your divorce, our experience and guidance can help you avoid problems in the future with our checklist of these tasks and others.
Rely On Us Through All Aspects Of Your Divorce
If you need help with your divorce, depend on the services of a law firm that can help you through it and well after your divorce finalizes. If you are ready to schedule your initial consultation with our dedicated team, call us in Connecticut at 203-653-8483, in New York at 914-930-2982 or email us here. Now is the best time to reach out to us, so act today to start looking after tomorrow.