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Work With Stamford’s Trusted Lawyers To Resolve Hague Convention And Relocation Disputes

Divorce and family law issues can be overwhelming, especially when they involve international child custody and relocation disputes. When one parent wants to relocate with the child to another country, the situation often calls for legal intervention to protect your child’s well-being.

Our attorneys at The Prince Law Group, LLC, understand the weight of these cases for our clients in Connecticut. This recognition drives us to assist families in Stamford through the intricacies of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. With our seasoned knowledge of family law, we offer the knowledgeable support you need to make intelligent decisions for your family’s future.

Understanding The Hague Convention And Relocation

The Hague Convention plays a vital role in international child custody cases, particularly when relocation disputes arise. This treaty aims to prevent child abduction by ensuring that custody orders remain upheld across borders. Well-versed in the intricacies of this international law, our dedicated family law attorneys are committed to helping you know your rights and options in a relocation dispute.

Relocation Disputes And International Child Custody

When relocation disputes enter the realm of international child custody laws, the consequences of a wrong decision become severe. A relocation dispute occurs when one parent wants to move to a new location with their child, and the other parent objects. This can be a difficult and complex issue, as it involves balancing the needs and rights of both parents as well as the best interests of the child. The Hague Convention provides a framework for resolving these disputes, but its application can be complex and nuanced. Fortunately, you do not have to face this alone.

Whether you are facing a potential child abduction or a conflict over relocation, we are here to help you find a resolution that prioritizes your child’s welfare. Reach out to our office today to learn more about your situation and how we can assist you.

How Can I File A Hague Convention Petition?

To file a Hague Convention Petition, you must typically submit your application to the Central Authority in the country where the child resides. In the United States, this is usually the U.S. Department of State. However, before submitting a petition, your situation must involve a co-parent removing your child from their habitual residence and bringing them to a country that is part of the convention.

You will need to provide detailed information about your case, including the circumstances surrounding your child’s removal, proof of your relationship with the child and evidence that the child was wrongfully removed or retained. As your legal allies, we can help you gather the necessary documents, complete the applications and represent you in court if needed. Let us help you through the intricacies of international child custody and fight for the best interests of your child.

What Are The Exceptions To The Hague Convention?

The Hague Convention includes several important exceptions to its general rule of returning a child to their habitual residence. These exceptions can significantly impact the outcome of international custody disputes.

One key exception involves situations where returning the child would pose a grave risk of physical or psychological harm. Another exception applies if more than a year has passed since the wrongful removal, and the child has settled into their new environment. Additionally, the convention does not apply to children who have reached the age of 16.

Our Approach To Hague Convention And Relocation Issues

At The Prince Law Group, LLC, we know that each case is unique. This is why we take a personalized and compassionate approach to international child custody disputes. We provide tailored representation focused on helping you maintain control of your situation.

We advocate for negotiation and compromise, helping you and the other parent work towards a mutually beneficial agreement. However, we also recognize that some cases require more aggressive action. We stand ready to litigate in federal court, if necessary, to protect your rights and interests.

Throughout the process, we prioritize open communication and collaboration, keeping you up to date every step of the way. By working together, we can help you achieve a resolution that prioritizes your child.

Let Us Support You In Your Time Of Need

Facing international child custody issues or relocation can be emotionally challenging. Call our Stamford office today at 203-653-8483 or email us to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.