Experienced Stamford Lawyers Assist Clients Obtain Sole Custody
Some parents are interested in pursuing sole custody of their child. Connecticut is a joint-custody presumption state, meaning that the courts will presume that the child’s best interests and welfare will be better served if both parents retain some amount of custody rights of their children. However there are instances where joint custody is not appropriate.
If you are interested in petitioning the court for the sole custody of your child in Connecticut, talk to an attorney at The Prince Law Group, LLC in Stamford. We are a tenacious Connecticut divorce and family law firm with years of experience helping people secure custody and visitation rights. Whether you seek sole custody as a new order in the Court or a modification of a Post-Judgment Order we can help. We know what the courts expect and we act efficiently to resolve issues that may become a roadblock to resolving the matter effectively. Having an experienced lawyer assist with your custody disputes is essential to the best interests of your child.
Termination of Parental Rights – We Empower You to Make the Right Decisions
In cases where one parent is not involved in a baby’s life, it may be in the best interests of the child to terminate the uninvolved parent’s rights. In a Termination of Parental Rights an application is filed in Probate Court. In a Termination case the parent’s whose rights are severed can never come back and petition the court for visitation or custody rights. You as the only legal parent may make sole choices in areas of education and medical treatment.
Learn more about child custody and parenting rights at these information pages: .
- Children and divorce
- Fathers’ rights
- Custody post-judgment
- Parenting plans and relocation
- Mediation child custody
Serving Clients in Stamford, Greenwich and Throughout Southern Connecticut
From our offices in Stamford, we provide legal counsel for clients in family law courts in Fairfield County and communities throughout Southern Connecticut. Call us toll free at 203-653-8483 or contact us by e-mail to arrange an initial consultation with one of our experienced Stamford family law lawyers.